Samuel Bratt drafted a will as a tool of revenge. Throughout his marriage, he was never allowed to partake in his favorite pastime - smoking cigars; his wife would not have it. It wasn't until after his death in 1960 that Mr. Bratt finally got even when it was revealed that his Last Will & Testament left his wife a small fortune but with one small condition - she had to smoke five cigars a day.
Do You Need Legal Help Regarding Probate Or Estate Litigation In The New York Metro Area?
If a loved one died without a will and you need legal assistance regarding the probate process, or you find yourself involved in estate litigation you should be speak with an experienced probate attorney as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our New York City office directly at 212.227.2424 to schedule your free consultation. We proudly serve clients throughout New York and northern New Jersey including Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx, Nassau County and Westchester County.